Tuesday, September 11, 2012

OIL, etc..

Heyheyhey loyal blog-readers.

Still no internet in my dorm, so you'll all have to wait for pictures and videos. Devistating, yeah?
Anyway, everything is wonderful in Freiburg. We started school yesterday! Well, almost school. It's orientation/intensive language (OIL). We're split up into 3 groups for it, which I think is good. The Prof, Klaus, is a really cool guy. I may have him for an IES philosophy course later on.

As far as dorm life goes, Alban Stolz Haus is where it's at. I'll post pics soon. I hear that during the school year, the Alban is quite the party place. There's usually people hanging out in the main rooms, and they tend to be super friendly. They're also super supportive of our less-than-perfect German. We make our own meals, so we meet Germans during mealtime. Also, I love the grocerey stores by the Alban. It's so cute to walk to the little grocerey store and back every couple of days. So European! Also they recycle everything here.
Anyway, I have a room to myself, so that's cool. It was just renovated last year, so it's totes nice. We also went to IKEA yesterday to get a few things (those ultra-white dorm rooms need to be jazzed up a little). It was the most overwhelming experience of my life.

I have so much to say but not so much time...
I'll do my best to keep y'all posted.

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