Sunday, December 9, 2012

Wintertime in Freiburg

Greetings from the Winterwonderland that is Littenweiler. I swear it is constantly snowing here. I like it though. It's really beautiful. I just wanted to take some time to post a few photos of what winter in Deutschland looks like.

So this is where I go to school.

Freiburg at night

Fröhe Weihnachten from Gracie & Kailey!


Greetings from the Weihnachtsmarkt!
I absolutely love the idea of Christmas markets. You're missing out, America.
Also, how did I live before Glühwein came into my life?

The iconic Martin's Tor in the city center

My walk home

ultra Freiburg.

The view from my window

Also we saw a protest. Official IES protocol mandates that we cannot participate in demonstrations, but I think posing in front of them is still okay.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Tour de Chambres

So Tour de Chambres was last night. Action-packed. My room smells kind of weird though. And someone gave me a pack of cigarettes that I don't know what to do with. Everything is a mess.
I just wanted to share a couple of photos to sum-up the night.

So I found this picture on my camera. I did not take it. I'm not entirely sure who is pictured. I have no clue what is happening here, but I really like this photo. 

Also, someone drew this picture of Dennis.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Something special

So I fully intended to post a video when I was up all night watching the election coverage, but clearly that plan didn't pan out.
Anyway, being in Europe since September during an election year has been interesting. No one here understands U.S. Republicans. At all. When I talk about my bible-belty home people think it so weird.
Also, everyone wants to know who I voted for.

Anyway, as this is a video blog, might as well upload a video. I found this on my camera. I had kind of forgotten about it. I figured it was worth posting. Karaoke is so much sillier when everyone has German accents.

These are the kinds of friends I'm making.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Sorry for not posting since before Berlin. I've been trying to upload videos but the internets aren't agreeing with me. The only video that blogger will accept is this gem:

He was singing at the festival for the Tag der Deutschen Einheit. No one knew who he was, and I wouldn't be surprised if he was drunk the whole time, but I loved him. Enjoy.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Freiburg livin'

Hey y'all! Things are so much easier now that I have internet here. I feel like I have way more free time if that makes since. Anyway, expect a lot more posts from me!
Today has been great so far though. 

It's a beautiful day.

I did a little grocery shopping. Went to a totes cute bakery for some bread and pretzels. It came highly recommended by my teacher, Klaus.
Also, turns out you can buy ice cream flavors for some of your favorite movies here. I'm looking forward to tasting this gem: 

Oh, and in case y'all were wondering about my dirndl-owing status...

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Swiss Alps!

Still no internets, so I can't post a lot. But... look at all the friends I'm making!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

OIL, etc..

Heyheyhey loyal blog-readers.

Still no internet in my dorm, so you'll all have to wait for pictures and videos. Devistating, yeah?
Anyway, everything is wonderful in Freiburg. We started school yesterday! Well, almost school. It's orientation/intensive language (OIL). We're split up into 3 groups for it, which I think is good. The Prof, Klaus, is a really cool guy. I may have him for an IES philosophy course later on.

As far as dorm life goes, Alban Stolz Haus is where it's at. I'll post pics soon. I hear that during the school year, the Alban is quite the party place. There's usually people hanging out in the main rooms, and they tend to be super friendly. They're also super supportive of our less-than-perfect German. We make our own meals, so we meet Germans during mealtime. Also, I love the grocerey stores by the Alban. It's so cute to walk to the little grocerey store and back every couple of days. So European! Also they recycle everything here.
Anyway, I have a room to myself, so that's cool. It was just renovated last year, so it's totes nice. We also went to IKEA yesterday to get a few things (those ultra-white dorm rooms need to be jazzed up a little). It was the most overwhelming experience of my life.

I have so much to say but not so much time...
I'll do my best to keep y'all posted.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

I'm an awful blogger

Hey y'all. Sorry for the lack of posts from Freiburg. I don't have internets in my dorm yet. I'm on an IES computer now, so I don't have much time. I'll post again as soon as I can. Just didn't want y'all to think I'd given up on it.

Anyway, everything is wonderful here. Prima.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Frankfurt: day 2

Today has been good. I've just been adventuring on my own. Yesterday I spent more time chit-chatting with my hostel roomies (1 from Brazil, 2 from the U.S., all of them super nice). But today I went to the Goethe Haus/Museum and the modern art museum. That was cool.

Here's what it looked like

A nice guy there offered to take my picture. I asked where he was from and he said Korea. My first thought was "I bet he likes Gangam Style..."

If I could choose a name for this photo, it would be "White ladies? That's cool"

They also had some work by a guy who made art with words. I thought it was pretty cool.

Hey, I recognize this one.

So I thought it would be really funny to take awkward selfies with busts of Goethe

I was right, it totally was

Anyway, the museum of modern art makes you promise not to post photos online, so not pictures for you guys. But trust me, it was suuuuper modern arty. You know, anit-consumerism stuff, multimedia exhibits, lots of stuff that didn't make any sense. There was some really cool stuff too. It was really fun.

And tomorrow I leave for Freiburg! I can't wait...

Monday, September 3, 2012


So the wifi at this hostel isn't very good in the rooms. The internet can't seem to handle me making a video, so I'll write instead!
Today has been crazy. I haven't slept in sooo long. But it feels so good to have a nice shower and a bed.
Anyway, I've been wandering about Frankfurt today. It's pretty great. The weather was perfect. And, I legally bought my first beer!
That's what's up.

Anyway, I plan to go to the modern art museum and the Goethe House tomorrow. Hurray for vaycay!
 Plus a couple more shots of Frankfurt:

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Headin' out

Heya everybody!
I made it to the airport in Hotlanta!
 Travelling alone has gone well so far. The first flight was quick and easy, but now I have a stupid long layover. My flight doesn't leave until 4:30. It's 1 pm now. I guess I'll have plenty of time for exploring! Also, ATL airport makes you pay for wifi. Wut. I had to pay $7 to access sites that are not the airport's homepage. Worth it. If I'm going to be here for three and a half hours, I want internets.

But I'm doing pretty okay. It was hard to leave this morning though. It'll be weird being so far away from everyone. Imma miss a lot of people. It's been a weird mix of emotions. A lot of excited, nervous and sad all at once.
I'm sure I wont regret it though.
I'll keep y'all updated.