Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The End of an Era

Blogger has been absolutely terrible lately about uploading certain video files. I made a video last night of the transformation process of my hair. Quality footage on a super-important topic, right? Anyway, I can't upload it, so I guess I'll just share a photo:
I'm blonde! I'm sure my mother will be happy. And in case you were wondering, here's what it looks like in a spaceship:

I'm super-bummed about ditching the pink. I loved it, but it's impossible to keep up with. Plus, I have to look good for the dance tonight!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Film-Making 101

So I'm taking a film-making class at IES. Great choice. Check out our first project:

I filmed and edited the whole thing. I'm learning so many new skills.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Oh the weather outside is weather

Hello everybody! Today was BEAUTIFUL, so I thought I'd share some photos.

We spent the whole day playing

We tried to do homework, but it didn't work out

First slackline of the season.

I even look good falling

Volleyball- Team USA came away with the win

We were looking pretty good

and of course the beloved Dreisam
But in other news, tomorrow is the first day of school! I live in a fantasy world.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Welcome to Amsterdam

So my friend Kaity is an awesome cinematographer and took some killer videos in Amsterdam. Unfortunately Blogger isn't allowing me to upload anything taken on my camera. Bummer, ja?

Anyway, Amsterdam was absolutely beautiful. I can't imagine a better place to spend my birthday or a better friend to do it with. Expect photos very soon.
But other than that, second semester classes are starting up so I'll give you all the run down tomorrow. I'll get back into my regular videos then.
All the best, y'all.