Sunday, December 9, 2012

Wintertime in Freiburg

Greetings from the Winterwonderland that is Littenweiler. I swear it is constantly snowing here. I like it though. It's really beautiful. I just wanted to take some time to post a few photos of what winter in Deutschland looks like.

So this is where I go to school.

Freiburg at night

Fröhe Weihnachten from Gracie & Kailey!


Greetings from the Weihnachtsmarkt!
I absolutely love the idea of Christmas markets. You're missing out, America.
Also, how did I live before Glühwein came into my life?

The iconic Martin's Tor in the city center

My walk home

ultra Freiburg.

The view from my window

Also we saw a protest. Official IES protocol mandates that we cannot participate in demonstrations, but I think posing in front of them is still okay.