Friday, November 30, 2012

Tour de Chambres

So Tour de Chambres was last night. Action-packed. My room smells kind of weird though. And someone gave me a pack of cigarettes that I don't know what to do with. Everything is a mess.
I just wanted to share a couple of photos to sum-up the night.

So I found this picture on my camera. I did not take it. I'm not entirely sure who is pictured. I have no clue what is happening here, but I really like this photo. 

Also, someone drew this picture of Dennis.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Something special

So I fully intended to post a video when I was up all night watching the election coverage, but clearly that plan didn't pan out.
Anyway, being in Europe since September during an election year has been interesting. No one here understands U.S. Republicans. At all. When I talk about my bible-belty home people think it so weird.
Also, everyone wants to know who I voted for.

Anyway, as this is a video blog, might as well upload a video. I found this on my camera. I had kind of forgotten about it. I figured it was worth posting. Karaoke is so much sillier when everyone has German accents.

These are the kinds of friends I'm making.