Thursday, July 4, 2013

This Land was made for you and me

Blogger is actually the worst and isn't letting me upload videos.
I'm actually really upset.
 But I just wanted to wish you all a safe and happy 4th in the US!
Enjoy the freedom!

 And here are some photos of me loving America:

and what's more American than Cowboys?

or football?

or Hollywood?

or Christmas?

Well anyway, Happy Birthday, America!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

On a historic day...

Today's events are getting me excited about writing my Political Movements essay. Here are my research books:

DOMA and Wendy all in one day. Proud to be an American.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Pfingstferien 2013

Back from break! A lot of traveling. A lot of crazy.
Brussels and Dublin were amazing, but I have a couple of pictures to share from Vienna.

First off, we had some amazing entertainment both nights. I just want to say I'm really glad Hey Arnold! taught me to appreciate opera.

And of course the lovely Kevin Devine was happy to talk to us after the show.
We also found the world's cutest cafe.

And a guy working at the Natural History Museum was really adamant about us taking a picture inside this fish skull.

All around amazing.

(by the way, Tour des Chambres is tonight. The crazy continues.)

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The End of an Era

Blogger has been absolutely terrible lately about uploading certain video files. I made a video last night of the transformation process of my hair. Quality footage on a super-important topic, right? Anyway, I can't upload it, so I guess I'll just share a photo:
I'm blonde! I'm sure my mother will be happy. And in case you were wondering, here's what it looks like in a spaceship:

I'm super-bummed about ditching the pink. I loved it, but it's impossible to keep up with. Plus, I have to look good for the dance tonight!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Film-Making 101

So I'm taking a film-making class at IES. Great choice. Check out our first project:

I filmed and edited the whole thing. I'm learning so many new skills.